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Daily Reading: December 23rd

#DailyDevotion Jesus says, “besides me there is no god” and “I blot out sins for my own sake.”

December 23rd

Read Is 43:25—44:20

Isa 43:25 “I, I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins. Isa 44:5 This one will say, ‘I am the LORD’s,’ another will call on the name of Jacob, and another will write on his hand, ‘The LORD’s,’ and name himself by the name of Israel.” 6 Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts: “I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god. (7) Who is like me? Let him proclaim it. Let him declare and set it before me, since I appointed an ancient people. Let them declare what is to come, and what will happen. (8) Fear not, nor be afraid; have I not told you from of old and declared it? And you are my witnesses! Is there a God besides me? There is no Rock; I know not any.”

What a lead into the rest of this reading! Who is the God of the Old Testament? He is the one who “blots out transgressions for his own sake.” Oftentimes we seem we to get overwhelmed that the Lord God Almighty is angry and wipes out lots of people for their sins. And well, the people, like us, deserve it. But He is also a merciful, kind and forgiving God. He reserves a remnant like Noah and his family. He preserves a family to become a line through whom He will become one of us to redeem us with his blood.

When God forgives sins it is not because you have become repentant enough. He doesn’t do it because of your well intentioned prayers of changing your life around. God doesn’t forgive you because you set out to make things right. No, he forgives you for his own sake and for the sake of his name. That name is Jesus.

The rest of this reading is the Lord reasoning with us to stop making idols for ourselves. Sure we may not carve out wooden figures and cover them with gold or silver but we break the first commandment, “You shall have no other gods before me” nevertheless. For when we turn to created things to comfort, give us strength and hope instead of turning to Jesus we make them our gods. These could be alcohol, drugs, sex, spouses, jobs, parents, friends, credit, money, food, church, religion, philosophy, or anything else that is not the Uncreated One that we think will solve all our problems today. The Lord says, Isa 44:9 “All who fashion idols are nothing, and the things they delight in do not profit. Their witnesses neither see nor know, that they may be put to shame.” And Isa 44:19 “No one considers, nor is there knowledge or discernment to say, ‘Half of it I burned in the fire; I also baked bread on its coals; I roasted meat and have eaten. And shall I make the rest of it an abomination? Shall I fall down before a block of wood?’”

What or who are you fearing, loving and trusting more than Jesus? Who are what is getting you through the night instead of the promises of God in Christ? Your maker is always there, ready and willing to forgive you for the sake of his name, Jesus. Turn and look to him.

Lord God, Heavenly Father, we turn to so many things to give us comfort, strength and hope and to solve our problems. Grant us your grace in Christ Jesus to turn to you instead to solve all our problems today and to comfort and give us strength and hope until we see the light of your salvation. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Rev. Guillaume J. S. Williams, Sr.

The Reverend Guillaume Williams is the Pastor of Hope Lutheran Chapel of Osage Beach, Missouri. His pastoral ministry with Hope began in 2005 where he preaches the Christ crucified.

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